In Part 2 of this series, we discuss divorce and marital separation which is the fourth most common reason for filing bankruptcy. Marital dissolutions create tremendous financial strain on both partners in several ways. First come the legal fees, which can be astronomical in some cases, followed by a division of marital assets, decree of child support and/or alimony and finally the ongoing cost of keeping up two separate households after the split. The legal costs alone are enough to force some to file, while wage garnishments to cover back child support or alimony can strip others of the ability to pay the rest of their bills. Spouses who fail to pay the support dictated in the agreement often leave the other completely destitute.
If you struggling financially as a result of a recent divorce or marital separation, please contact a Bankruptcy Attorney at 636-724-3355 or visit to schedule your no-cost consultation with a bankruptcy attorney to discuss your options.
If you struggling financially as a result of a recent divorce or marital separation, please contact a Bankruptcy Attorney at 636-724-3355 or visit to schedule your no-cost consultation with a bankruptcy attorney to discuss your options.