Many people file for bankruptcy to eliminate credit card debt which is typically discharged in bankruptcy. However, bankruptcy law states that any debt you obtained by fraud, misrepresentation, or false pretenses is nondischargeable in bankruptcy. This includes credit card charges or cash advances you never intended to pay back when you used your card. Credit card charges and cash advances are presumed fraudulent and nondischargeable under the following circumstances:
Charges for luxury items within 90 days of bankruptcy. Charging more than $650 on a single credit card for luxury goods or services (i.e., goods and services not reasonably necessary for your support or maintenance) within the 90-day period prior to filing your bankruptcy.
Cash advances within 70 days of bankruptcy. Obtaining cash advances of over $925 in aggregate during the 70 days preceding your bankruptcy filing.
It is important to consult with a bankruptcy attorney prior to filing bankruptcy. An attorney can help you to avoid these common mistakes and ultimately help you to get a fresh start. Call a Bankruptcy Attorney at 636-724-3355 or visit to discuss these and other complex legal matters at your free consultation.
Charges for luxury items within 90 days of bankruptcy. Charging more than $650 on a single credit card for luxury goods or services (i.e., goods and services not reasonably necessary for your support or maintenance) within the 90-day period prior to filing your bankruptcy.
Cash advances within 70 days of bankruptcy. Obtaining cash advances of over $925 in aggregate during the 70 days preceding your bankruptcy filing.
It is important to consult with a bankruptcy attorney prior to filing bankruptcy. An attorney can help you to avoid these common mistakes and ultimately help you to get a fresh start. Call a Bankruptcy Attorney at 636-724-3355 or visit to discuss these and other complex legal matters at your free consultation.